How much is an oxygen tank?

The price of an oxygen tank varies between oxygen supply companies and by each tank’s size. These prices are estimates; it’s best to compare prices between oxygen suppliers to ensure you’re getting the best value for the lowest price. The listed prices are an estimate.

  • M2 oxygen tank: About $75, contains 40 liters of oxygen
  • M4 oxygen tank: $70, contains 113 liters
  • M6 oxygen tank: $70, contains 165 liters
  • M9 oxygen tank: $80, contains 255 liters
  • E-cylinder: $100, 680 liters
  • H-cylinder: $600-700, contains 7,842 liters
Although it’s tempting to purchase an oxygen tank based on its price, keep in mind that additional costs come with refilling the tanks and having them delivered. Less expensive tanks hold much less oxygen than larger tanks, meaning you’ll need to have them filled more often.

For example, when set at 2 liters per minute (lpm), a small M4 tank runs for almost three hours with a pulse-dose regulator, delivering oxygen only on inhalation. While using 2 lpm of continuous flow oxygen, an M4 tank lasts under one hour. Many people prefer E-cylinders; they hold more oxygen than the smaller tanks but are still relatively portable with a carrying cart. E-cylinders last about 17.2 hours with a pulse-dose regulator or 5.7 hours of continuous flow when set to 2 lpm.

Although the initial cost of portable oxygen concentrators (POCs) is higher, choosing a POC over an oxygen tank will save you money in the long run. POCs provide portability without relying on oxygen refills.

POCs don’t hold oxygen; they make medical-grade oxygen from the air in the room. When the air enters the concentrator, it filters out nitrogen and other gases, leaving about 90% pure medical-grade oxygen.

While POCs provide pulse dose oxygen delivery, some units also offer a Continuous Flow Portable Concentrators of Up to 2-3 LPM.

How much is an oxygen tank?

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