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OxygenConcentratorStore.com Secure Shopping
Updated: May 7, 2020
OxygenConcentratorStore.com uses every safeguard to protect your information. Our shopping cart utilizes standard secure encryption (SSL) provided by GoDaddy. All online transactions are processed using this encryption technology. When you enter your credit card number and personal information into our shopping cart, it is transmitter across the internet in scrambled (encrypted) form.
The SSL technology is used every time you send us personal information. We use GoDaddy, which is recognized as one of the world leaders in secure website payment service and technologies. You will never have to worry about your credit card number or personal information.
To confirm our GoDaddy SSL Certificate, please click the image below:
Your account is also protected by a unique password created by you. You should never use common words, numbers or phrases as your password. Instead, your password should be at least seven characters, comprising of both upper and lower case as well as numbers and special characters. We also recommend that you keep your password confidential and secure in a safe place. Never share your password because it could compromise the security of your account.
We only use https:// on our secure checkout pages. These are pages in the Account and Checkout pages. Pages that are only used for informative or blog pages use http:// since no sensitive information is being displayed or transmitted on them.
Have any questions? The Oxygen Concentrator Store is always happy to assist you. Call us at 1-877-774-9271 or email the OCS Oxygen Team.
The SSL technology is used every time you send us personal information. We use GoDaddy, which is recognized as one of the world leaders in secure website payment service and technologies. You will never have to worry about your credit card number or personal information.
To confirm our GoDaddy SSL Certificate, please click the image below:
Password Security
Have any questions? The Oxygen Concentrator Store is always happy to assist you. Call us at 1-877-774-9271 or email the OCS Oxygen Team.