General Product Questions
Can a portable concentrator be kept in a car during the summer?
It's not safe to leave a portable oxygen concentrator in a parked car in the summer because the temperature in the car an easily exceed the maximum safe temperature. This can cause the machine to malfunction, or become unsafe to use.
Can an portable concentrator be laid flat?
As long as the inlet vent isn't blocked, a portable oxygen concentrator can be laid flat while it's running. It can be laid flat while be stored, without causing it to malfunction.
Can a portable concentrator be laid on its side?
A portable oxygen concentrator can be safely placed on its side while it's not running, or while it's charging. It can be laid on its side while running, as long as the vents are not blocked.
Can you hike with a portable concentrator?
It's possible to take a portable oxygen concentrator with you to go hiking. Just make sure you charge the batteries up and bring some spare charged batteries with you. Our customers have sent us pictures of them hiking trails from all over the United...
Can you swim with a portable concentrator?
Oxygen concentrators are electronics and cannot get wet. It would be unsafe to swim with a portable oxygen concentrator. You can risk damaging the machine, or risk electric shock.
Can you Use an oxygen concentrator for cluster headaches?
Oxygen therapy has been used successfully to treat cluster headaches. They require a high flow rate, around 10 LPM or higher. Consult with your doctor about trying oxygen therapy to treat cluster headaches.
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Can you use an oxygen concentrator when I shower?
You can use your oxygen concentrator while you shower, as long as you take precautions to prevent the concentrator from getting wet. Be sure to place a plastic sheet over the concentrator, but don't cover the vents in the machine, and use a detachable...
Can you use an portable oxygen concentrator at night?
Yes, in fact many patients only require oxygen therapy at night. Not all concentrators are suitable for use at night, if you have questions as to whether your concentrator will work for sleep use please call us at
Can an infant or baby use an oxygen concentrator?
Yes, however, the concentrator will need to be connected to a pediatric flow-meter to provide the exact amount of oxygen the infant needs.
Do have to refill a portable oxygen concentrator?
Portable oxygen concentrators do not require oxygen refills, however, since they run off of battery power they will need to be plugged into a source of power to recharge their batteries.
Do oxygen concentrators make noise?
Yes, all oxygen concentrators emit a certain range of noise measured in decibels. As technology has progressed oxygen concentrators have started to become much quieter. The sound levels range from 31 to 60 decibel. That is the equivalent of a quiet library...
Do you purchase used oxygen concentrators?
Yes, we have a very attractive buy back program. We will buy back any modern concentrator that is in working condition and does not smell of smoke.
If you would like to receive a quote on your oxygen concentrator please complete our
Does an oxygen concentrator give off heat?
An oxygen concentrator may give off heat or slight warmth while it's running, especially if it's been running for several hours. This is normal, but it should never feel too hot to the touch. If it does, call your manufacturer, as this can become a hazard...
Does battery life of an oxygen concentrator depend on liter flow?
Yes, the higher the oxygen liter flow setting, whether on continuous flow or pulse dose settings, the shorter the battery duration will be. A high setting will effectively drain the battery faster. You can remedy this with extra batteries, and supplemental...
How do you select a portable oxygen concentrator?
With all the options available, we're often asked how to pick the right POC. First, you need to make sure a particular oxygen concentrator will meet your oxygen dosage needs. Then, you can decide between portable oxygen concentrators based on size and...
How long are concentrators covered under a manufacturer's warranty?
Most oxygen concentrators are covered under the manufacturer's warranty for parts and labor for 3 years. Accessories, such as batteries and battery chargers, can be covered for 90 days. Please refer to the warranty card that was in your product box. ...
How many watts does a home concentrator use?
The wattage a stationary oxygen concentrator will use depends on its size, and the setting it's on. For example, the small Inogen 5L Concentrator can use as much as 275...
How many watts does a portable concentrator sse?
Watts used by portable concentrator vary depending on the unit. As an example, the Respironics SimplyGo can use between 120 to 150 watts while charging. Other newer portable...
Is there a portable oxygen concentrator that goes up 10 liters (LPM)?
There are currently no portable oxygen concentrators that can deliver up to 10 LPM of oxygen. Portable oxygen concentrators can have a continuous flow setting of 3 LPM or a little more in pulse dose equivalence.
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Is there a portable oxygen concentrator that goes up 15 liters (LPM)?
There are currently no portable oxygen concentrators that can deliver up to 15 LPM of oxygen. Only stationary oxygen concentrators can delivery up to 15 LPM, or close to it.
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