How long will the batteries last with the Inogen G5?

Inogen One G5 battery duration is up to 6.5 hours with single battery and up to 13 hours with double battery. Durations listed below are averages, not exact measurements.

Setting of 1: 6 hours 30 minutes with the single and 13 hours with the double battery
Setting of 2: 5 hours with the single and 10 hours with the double battery
Setting of 3: 3 hours 30 minutes with the single and 7 hours with the double battery
Setting of 4: 2 hours 30 minutes with the single and 5 hours with the double battery
Setting of 5: 1 hour 50 minutes with the single and 3 hours 48 minutes with the double battery
Setting of 6: 1 hour with the single and 2 hours 45 minutes with the double battery

How long will the batteries last with the Inogen G5?

Other Inogen Battery Durations

Inogen One G3 Battery Duration
Inogen One G4 Battery Duration

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