Can you sell a portable oxygen concentrator?

The short answer is YES! But there are a few things to know about selling your portable oxygen concentrator.

Obviously, the most important factor is to make sure you have the “rights” to sell the concentrator. If the concentrator was provided to the patient via Medicare, the unit MAY NOT be yours to sell. The easiest way to quickly determine this is to check for a stick on the unit. If there is a sticker, call and talk to the provider as you don’t want to be responsible for selling a “stolen” item. In the event there is not a sticker on the unit, you should be able to call the manufacturer and, if the unit is in warranty, they can tell you who purchased the unit.

Another key consideration is the fact that the sale of a portable oxygen concentrator is regulated by the FDA, and it is considered a drug. This is important because selling a concentrator comes with certain responsibilities – specifically that the unit is functioning and meets the designated specifications and requires a doctor’s prescription. For these reasons, it is STRONGLY recommended that you never sell your concentrator directly to a third party/patient but instead only sell the unit to a reputable DME or oxygen retailer.

By selling your used unit to a certified and accredited operation, you reduce any hassle and, more importantly, eliminate any liability.

Learn more about our Oxygen Concentrator Buyback Program.
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