Understanding COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Understanding COPD – Learn About COPD

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a lung disease that makes breathing difficult. While a COPD diagnosis can be scary, it is manageable with proper treatment.

In this article, we will discuss the various symptoms, causes, prevention, and stages of COPD to help you better understand this disease.

Understanding COPD: Overview

COPD is an overarching term that includes three separate diseases: chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma. With chronic bronchitis, the airways in your lungs become inflamed and usually secrete extra mucus. With emphysema, the small air sacs in your lungs lose their integrity, making it difficult to breathe in and out regularly. Finally, the asthma component of COPD is characterized by airway tightening that does not respond well to typical asthma treatments. Any of these diseases can make breathing difficult.

Understanding COPD - Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema

Understanding COPD: Symptoms

Before we discuss the common symptoms of COPD, it’s worth noting that these symptoms are somewhat general and can be present in other health concerns. The best thing to do is look for patterns in your health and recognize when these symptoms are becoming more frequent or intense and discuss these findings with your doctor.

The symptoms of COPD may take many years to progress and may eventually worsen in cases with and without adequate treatment. Here are the common symptoms that characterize COPD:

1. Wheezing
Wheezing is a whistling sound heard during exhalation due to airway inflammation and mucus buildup.

2. Shortness of Breath
If you’re experiencing shortness of breath, you might feel “winded” much quicker than before. Performing regular exercises, breathing exercises or daily activities can make you more fatigued when you’re not able to catch your breath.

3. Persistent Cough
The common phrase “smoker’s lung” is the colloquial way to describe a persistent cough that usually affects people with COPD.

4. Accessory Muscle Use
This symptom is more of a clinical sign for healthcare providers to recognize, but you might experience progressive muscle soreness due to the overuse of your breathing muscles (AKA accessory muscles). This soreness might occur in your chest, neck, and back areas.

5. Bluish Skin
In serious cases of COPD, you might notice a bluish color to your skin in your nailbeds, lips, or nose. This color change is a sign that your body is not receiving enough oxygen and requires immediate medical treatment.

There are other methods your provider can use to determine whether you have COPD or not. If you notice any of these symptoms occurring more frequently or with higher intensity, talk to your provider so they can investigate further.

Common Symptoms of COPD

Understanding COPD: Causes

The single most significant risk for COPD is smoking. Up to 75% of COPD patients have a history of smoking. This number includes active smokers as well as people affected by second-hand smoke.

Another risk factor for COPD is pollution. We tend to think of pollution only as industrial or urban pollution, but even household products and various chemicals can irritate the lungs enough to cause damage if used frequently. Some household irritants include bleach and floor cleaner fumes, wood dust, animal dander, and cooking fumes.

Infectious diseases can also trigger a cascade of effects that lead to lung damage, and possibly COPD later down the line. For example, a severe case of pneumonia that requires breathing support in the hospital might eventually cause lung damage—depending on the severity.

Finally, there is a small subset of patients who are diagnosed with COPD due to genetic factors. People with Alpha–1 Antitrypsin Deficiency lack a protein called Alpha–1 Antitrypsin from the liver, which can eventually lead to lung damage. The risk is higher if the patient also smokes.

Understanding COPD: Prevention

One of the most effective ways to prevent COPD is to quit smoking. The vast majority of people diagnosed with COPD were also smokers or were exposed to second-hand smoke regularly. Whether you’re actively smoking or have regular exposure to second-hand smoke, the best decision for your long-term health is to quit smoking and find a way to avoid second-hand smoke exposure.

Another way to prevent COPD is to wear proper face masks when you know you’ll be exposed to various pollutants. Many people mistakenly disregard the importance of wearing a mask to protect your lungs, but not doing so can put you at risk for COPD later on in life. If you’re going to be cleaning your floors, cutting wood, or working on the farm, you should consider getting a face mask to protect your lungs, or consider working in a well-ventilated area.

Finally, doing your best to protect yourself from infectious diseases will help you avoid the risk of any potential lung damage associated with infection. If you are in a region susceptible to air-borne contagious diseases such as COVID-19, follow the guidelines from your local health authority. Simple things like taking a Vitamin-C supplement regularly, avoiding areas where you know others will be sick, and washing your hands often can dramatically reduce your risk of infection. As always, be sure to inquire with your doctor before taking any new supplements or beginning any new health-related activities.

Understanding COPD: The Stages of COPD

If you have already been diagnosed with COPD, you may be wondering how the progression of this disease looks for most people. There are four identifiable stages of COPD that can help you and your individual physician to determine your current lung function and the best course of treatment:

  1. Mild COPD
  2. Moderate COPD
  3. Severe COPD
  4. Very Severe COPD

The characteristics of these four stages range from having very little awareness of the disease to requiring continuous oxygen to avoid life-threatening drops in blood oxygen levels.

During the diagnosis phase, your physician may ask you to take a test called a pulmonary function test (PFT) to determine precise measurements of your lung function. Depending on these results, and also a thorough review of your daily symptoms, your diagnosis will be classified by one of the four stages.

Your treatment plan will vary based on your stage and your symptoms.

Understanding COPD: Quick Facts

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the fourth leading cause of death in the world
  • In 2016, 5.7 million physician office visits were regarding COPD
  • In 2017, there were 923,000 emergency department visits related to COPD
  • COPD is more prevalent in rural areas than in urban areas
  • Nearly one out of every five patients 40 years or older in U.S. hospitals has a diagnosis of COPD

Understanding COPD: Final Thoughts

COPD is a significant, lung disease that affects many people worldwide. There are many risk factors, some of which we can control, and others that are a challenge to avoid. However, education about the disease empowers you to maintain a healthy lifestyle while managing the symptoms of the disease.

The information on this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For more information about COPD, talk to your doctor or primary care provider.

Date Updated: November 10, 2023
Date Published: February 9, 2018


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Ryan Anthony, BS, RRT is a registered respiratory therapist and content writer and medical blogger currently located in Los Angeles, California. As a Respiratory Therapist, he performs a wide range of hospital duties including adult and neonatal intensive care, nitric oxide therapy, high-frequency oscillatory ventilation, conventional mechanical ventilation, noninvasive ventilation, BiPAP, CPAP, intubation assistance, bronchoscopy assistance, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, chest physiotherapy, and nebulizer therapy.

About Ryan Anthony:

Ryan Anthony, BS, RRT is a registered respiratory therapist and content writer and medical blogger currently located in Los Angeles, California. As a Respiratory Therapist, he performs a wide range of hospital duties including adult and neonatal intensive care, nitric oxide therapy, high-frequency oscillatory ventilation, conventional mechanical ventilation, noninvasive ventilation, BiPAP, CPAP, intubation assistance, bronchoscopy assistance, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, chest physiotherapy, and nebulizer therapy.

15 thoughts on “Understanding COPD – Learn About COPD

  1. Image says all and thank you for this thorough post. COPD is a deadly disease costing thousands of lives per year and sometimes it goes undiagnosed and individuals don’t see the symptoms or may be mistake it for another disease.

  2. Thank you for excellent report. I have suffered from COPD for 5-6 years now. That means seriously affected. I stopped smoking 37 years ago and am now 80. I inhale Trilogy every morning but I’ve added HEMP OIL and Lung Vitamins. I am coping well but trying to find the next professional advice to see what else I can do…or take. Can I visit your clinic?
    Thank you
    Tim Sullivan

  3. I have REAL shortness of breath /passing out around 10 am to 11 am. During evenings , it is also bad but I noticed if I became occupied ,
    it wasnt as bad as far as breathing. I have sinusitis which doesnt help either. CT scans / blood tests say things are ok with both above areas
    but its not true. I feel lost. I dont wheeze and I dont cough and I wish I could sneeze.

  4. Ryan;
    Just read your wonderful article. I too worked in RT, but, as a CRTT, for 24 years and 2/3rds of the subjects of RT at our local Community College. An extremely, articulate, very personable and knowledgeable friend, Robert (Bob) Cornelius, RRT, whom also, was a Parliamentarian for the National RRT! I too have COPD, somewhere between Severe and Very Severe! Email me…

  5. I have COPD which has become worse of late due to having COVID my Oxygen sats are around 87 and when in hospital noticed that when receiving oxygen at night my lips lose their blue colour and I am less breathless. Would the CPAP machine help me?

    • We cannot give any medical advice; please consult with your physician or health care provider. They are the qualified experts to assess the condition and provide treatment.

  6. I have been diagnosed as having COPD and asthma. I have also been diagnosed as having heart disease. I am a breast cancer survivor, but have a crumbling spinal column as it enters the sacrum. Needless to say I have had numerous surgeries and trips to the ER. Life is now much better since I have been prescribed Spiriva as long as it is the spray inhaler, and not the one with the capsules that holds the powdered form of the inhalant because my lungs are not strong enough to empty the powder in the capsules.
    My list of medications is so long, so my son and daughter-in-law count them out as they fill up my pill reminder box. Are there other things I should do?

  7. Your article on COPD is the best I have ever read. My Doctor & I are learning how to handle my COPD with Asthma, Lupus, and Long Covid 19. Right now I have the FLU, Type B. I use an oxygen consentrator at night and occasionally during the day. I isolate as I am immunocompromised. I use Budesonide and Formoterol Furnate Dihydrate Inhalation Aerosol 80/4.5 inhalers. A Rescue Inhaler, Albuterol HFA Ventolin, and Symbicort Inhaler in addition to nebulizer meds make an excellent treatment for the constant coughing/heavy mucus and wheezing and sinuses that are infected. I have congestive heart failure as well as left-sided heart failure so I rest and go about my daily work with concentration. I do all of my cooking and remain independent in my own home, alone. I am 84 yrs. old and I do my housekeeping when I am having a good day. I learned so much from this article about COPD, I never smoked, my COPD is from second-hand smoke, SMOG in L.A., over 40 years, and air pollution in general, “fumes” are a real hazard for Asthma, even perfume will set me off, Good Luck to all of you with this problem, and thanks for the wonderful informative article about COPD. Nancy Everest, Coos Bay, OR

    • Improving lung function can be a positive goal for individuals with respiratory conditions, but whether you can eventually stop using oxygen therapy depends on the specific nature and severity of your condition.

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