Inogen One G2 vs. Respirionics EverGo Concentrator Comparison

Inogen One G2 vs. Respirionics EverGo Concentrator Comparison

Many of our oxygen concentrators are similar or close to similar. With so many great portable oxygen concentrators to choose from, and with all of the great features and perks, it can be a hard decision. To help break down the information between the buyer’s guides and reviews, we like to help make our customers’ decisions a little easier by putting them next to each other.

You’ll be able to see the differences in features, weight, size and the accessories that come with them. These two particular concentrators are nice and light but are still able to deliver plenty of oxygen in higher pulse dose settings. If you’ve narrowed your search down to these two lightweight, yet powerful little concentrators, read on to make your decision.

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Invacare XPO2 vs. Respironics EverGo Patient Reviews

Invacare XPO2 vs. Respirionics EverGo Patient Reviews

We offer two of the most powerful and efficient portable oxygen concentrators on the market, and they are so close in similarities we decided to see what our customers thought about them. Keeping in mind, not everyone’s situation is the same – you might need a pulse dose on the setting of 5, while someone else needs it on 6.

One might not be better than the other, it just might be better for you personally. You can read these customer reviews below to help you decide.

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Respironics EverGo Frequently Asked Questions

Respironics EverGo FAQs

What is the maximum setting of pulse on the EverGo?
The EverGo has a maximum setting of 6 PULSE ONLY. This is NOT a continuous flow machine, PULSE ONLY up to the setting of 6.

Will the EverGo fit under a seat in an airplane?
The EverGo’s dimensions are: 12 in X 6 in X 8.5 in depending on the type of aircraft you are traveling on, this machine may or may not fit under the seat in an airplane. You also have to take into consideration the cart, the cart will have to be detracted from the unit and stored in the overhead compartment.

What is the noise level of the EverGo?
The ever go has a rated decibel level DBA of 43 on a setting of 2 pulse. When you increase the settings of the machine, the DBA level will increase because the compressor has to work at a faster rate in order to operate at a higher setting.

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