No Excuses!

No excuses, it’s my fault at least I thought so.

Recently, I blamed myself because one of my buddies cancelled his reservations to go with his wife on that Caribbean cruise they had planned for so long. Ultimately his wife offered the spot to a girlfriend, but because I hadn’t done my part as a patient advocate I felt I had failed my friend. He had lost his battle with his fear about traveling with oxygen and because of that he had sat home. In retrospect, I guess during all our conversations over breakfast, sharing a lunch or dinner we had never talked about the ease of being able to travel with oxygen.

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A Patient’s Perspective of the Invacare Solo

by Roxlyn G. Cole

Last fall I was loaned Invacare’s New Solo 2 Portable Oxygen Concentrator by American Medical Sales and Repair. This concentrator has continuous flow oxygen 1- 3 LPM + pulse dose oxygen # 1-5. Last fall I was loaned this POC by American Medical Sales and Repair.

I love the Solo 2 manual because it explains everything; it points out notes one MUST observe. It is a long 51 pages covering everything you could want to know. I wish it was a bit smaller for carrying along while out and about, there are so many alarms/sounds to remember. First impression: it is big! BUT, the larger the size the better options to oxygenate the patient, so it is beautiful! The frosted window screen was difficult for me to read, but maybe that was because of my cataracts.
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