Living with Oxygen Therapy – Inspirational Stories and Images

Living with Oxygen Therapy - Inspirational Stories and Images

Here are the inspirational stories from our oxygen therapy users. They are just as strong and free-spirited as they ever were and don’t know the meaning of giving up what makes them happy. They use portable oxygen concentrators to get around while getting the oxygen therapy they need.

We have put together inspiring oxygen stories and images directly from our customers. The stories include hiking at 6700 feet in Glacier National Park in Montana, Zip-lining in North Carolina, to hiking Buzzard Roost; Ohio’s most spectacular view.

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5 Low-Impact Exercises for People with COPD

5 Low-Impact Exercises for People with COPD

Living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, also known as COPD, can be a struggle for the those diagnosed. COPD can cause shortness of breath, discomfort, and coughing, and it can also make everyday activities challenging. But even though being active and exercising can increase one’s shortness of breath, there are many benefits.

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Enjoy Outdoor Hunting with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator

Enjoy Outdoor Hunting with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator

So you’re an outdoor sports enthusiast who enjoys hunting? If you have a medical need for oxygen, you can still engage in your favorite pastime. There’s no reason to give up physical activities, especially if you use a portable oxygen concentrator.

In the last decade, oxygen machines have been developed that weigh as little as 2.5 pounds. Their battery life has increased significantly, as well. Oxygen concentrators work by converting air in the surrounding area into concentrated oxygen. They deliver oxygen via continuous or intermittent flow. Continuous flow units provide a consistent amount of oxygen regardless of how many times a patient breaths per minute. Because they deliver a precise amount of oxygen per minute based on the manufacturer’s specs, intermittent, or pulse dose, are usually recommended for patients that require a lower flow of oxygen. If you use a pulse flow machine or need continuous flow up to three liters per minute, you can use a portable oxygen concentrator.

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Skiing and Hitting the Slopes with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator

Skiing and Hitting the Slopes with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator

You shouldn’t have to pass on going skiing with your friends if you need to use oxygen therapy. In fact, portable oxygen for skiers happens to be a great idea, even for those who don’t have a chronic lung disease. Being at high altitudes can make it harder to breathe, and can cause what is known as “acute mountain sickness”.

If you have a chronic lung condition, you should consult your doctor before taking part in this physical activity, whether or not you use oxygen therapy. If your doctor gives you the okay, he or she might advise that you use a portable oxygen concentrator while doing so, even if you don’t usually need one.

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Taking Your Oxygen Therapy to the Golf Course – Golfing with Oxygen

Taking Your Oxygen Therapy to the Golf Course

Portable oxygen concentrators make it much easier for you to go just about anywhere while still using your oxygen therapy, and golfing with an mobile concentrator is no different. You need more oxygen while you’re golfing because you’re exerting energy. You’re using extra muscle movement to swing, and to walk around.

More oxygen is required by our muscles when we do a lot of moving around, and that’s why portable oxygen concentrators are equipped with an oxygen conservation feature. Naturally, if you’re using a concentrator, you’re most likely moving around from place to place. The concentrator will keep giving you the same dosage, even as your breath rate goes up, which happens when you’re exerting energy.

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A Skiing Adventure with Oxygen Therapy

A Skiing Adventure with Oxygen Therapy

Skiing is one winter sport that many people enjoy, and you don’t need to do any crazy jumps or tricks, or even ski down the steep slopes. There is a level for skiing that will suit almost anyone. One of our customers, Paul W., has been an avid skier since he was young, and still after a few years of using oxygen therapy, he’s still hitting the slopes. He shared with us some of the things he’s learned from being diagnosed with COPD, using oxygen therapy, which portable oxygen machines he prefers, and not giving up on something you enjoy.

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