Questions Answered – Oxygen Concentrators and Your Electric Bill

Questions Answered – Oxygen Concentrators and Your Electric Bill

Home oxygen concentrators (HOCs) operate with AC power, and since they’re larger units that plug into the wall, you may see some changes to your electric bill. How much electricity your HOC uses depends on your model, how often you operate your unit and your oxygen flow setting. Fortunately, newer units are becoming more energy efficient, reducing your bill.

Since your HOC is medically necessary for your health and well-being, there are things you can do to get some help. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions and answers about oxygen concentrators and your electric bill.

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Stationary Oxygen Concentrator Electricity Usage and Costs

Stationary Oxygen Concentrator Electricity Usage and Costs

Naturally, the bigger the oxygen concentrator and the higher the dosage setting, the more electricity it will use. If you’re worried about how much your stationary oxygen concentrator will make your electric bill go up, we’ll help you figure it out. It actually might not be as bad as you think!

Stationary oxygen concentrators run on AC power, and do not use batteries or are able to run on DC power. They are normally bigger than portable concentrators and usually operated at home with the ability to move from room to room on the wheels at the bottom.

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Portable Concentrator Electricity Usage and Costs

Oxygen Concentrator Electricity Usage and Costs

Portable oxygen concentrators are generally small so they don’t use that much electricity. You will have to plug it into a wall socket to run and/or charge it when you’re at home or in a building. You can charge the battery as well as run it at the same time this way. Many people do this overnight, or when they aren’t using it.

Some portable oxygen concentrators can be charged and run at the same time on DC power, such as the cigarette lighter socket in a car. Before you do this, make sure your particular portable model can run and charge at the same time, by referring to the owner’s manual.

For example, the SeQual Eclipse 3 cannot run and charge at the same time on DC power, but the Eclipse 5 and the eQuinox can. Always make sure your car is running and in good working order before plugging in your concentrator. The car’s electrical power determines how quickly it will charge.

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The Monthly Costs of Portable Oxygen and How to Save

The Monthly Costs of Portable Oxygen and How to Save

The exact monthly cost of using portable oxygen therapy will vary, depending on what type of equipment you are using, as well as the model and brand. How much you will have to pay per month depends on your insurance company, or if any special payment arrangements have been made between you are your medical supplier.

If you have medicare, or a medical insurance company that works in much the same way, they will cover refills, the delivery of equipment, setting up the equipment, as well as maintenance. Accessories and other necessary supplies you will need will also be covered, patient education to instruct you on operating the equipment and more. These costs cover your equipment as a rental.

As of 2006, Medicare allows $7,215 for 36 months to cover oxygen concentrators that cost an average of $587 sale price. Every 4 months, suppliers do maintenance checks on concentrators and other oxygen therapy equipment. This is usually covered by the insurance company, and will definitely be mostly covered by medicare. If you are covered by medicare, you will still need to cover 20% of the cost.

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