5 Diet Tips and Nutrition Guide for People with COPD

Diet Tips and Nutrition Guide for People with COPD

Living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) can be challenging, and it is important to engage in good eating habits, balancing your nutrition, and maintaining a healthy weight. If you’ve been diagnosed with COPD, your doctor has probably already told you all this information but not necessarily given you tips or advice on how to get there.

Dealing with COPD and managing your diet and weight doesn’t have to be difficult. If you’re overweight, your doctor may have recommended you lose weight so you can breathe easier. With that in mind, it’s also crucial not to lose too much weight. Being underweight is not healthy for COPD patients because it results in lower energy levels and poorer prognosis.

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Taking Care of your Oxygen Concentrator in the Summer

Taking Care of your Oxygen Concentrator in the Summer

If you have breathing difficulties, you know that the summer brings some complications: high humidity and extreme heat can exacerbate conditions such as COPD. In fact, one study showed a strong association between weather-related heat and emergency hospitalizations related to respiratory distress, meaning that those who suffer from these conditions must take even better care of themselves when the temperatures rise.

In addition to taking care of themselves, though, they need to take care of their oxygen concentrators. Units aren’t made to withstand extreme heat, so it’s important to ensure you’re keeping it safe along with yourself.

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Living with Oxygen Therapy – Inspirational Stories and Images

Living with Oxygen Therapy - Inspirational Stories and Images

Here are the inspirational stories from our oxygen therapy users. They are just as strong and free-spirited as they ever were and don’t know the meaning of giving up what makes them happy. They use portable oxygen concentrators to get around while getting the oxygen therapy they need.

We have put together inspiring oxygen stories and images directly from our customers. The stories include hiking at 6700 feet in Glacier National Park in Montana, Zip-lining in North Carolina, to hiking Buzzard Roost; Ohio’s most spectacular view.

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How Your Body Gets Better Once You Quit Smoking

How Your Body Gets Better Once You Quit Smoking

By now, we all know the risks of smoking tobacco. Unfortunately, that doesn’t make it any easier, even for those who truly desire to quit smoking. You might have the mentality that you’ve already been smoking for so long and the damage has already been done. You might not see the point in quitting.

Even though you may still develop health problems years after you’ve quit smoking, there are still a lot of benefits of quitting, no matter how long you’ve been smoking. In fact, it’s amazing how quickly your body gets better once you’ve quit smoking.

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Coronavirus: What You Need To Know

COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease: What You Need To Know

Since 2001, Oxygen Concentrator Store has been dedicated to promoting the health of individuals affected by COPD, emphysema, and other respiratory and lung conditions. As COVID-19, or Coronavirus, continues to spread across the U.S, Oxygen Concentrator Store is doubling down on our mission to help make life easier for individuals in need of oxygen therapy. We’ve compiled research from the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization to help you better understand COVID-19, how it could affect you, and how to protect your health during these uncertain times.

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How to Prevent Dry Nose, Throat, and Mouth on Oxygen

How to Prevent Dry Nose, Throat, and Mouth on Oxygen

If you or a loved one is on Oxygen Therapy, you may have noticed some uncomfortable dryness in the throat, nose, or mouth. This is a common side-effect for first time oxygen users that most people grow accustom to over time. However, there are many helpful tips and tricks to make the cold weather and dry oxygen conditions much more pleasant and livable!

Dry Nose

It’s always important to remember and follow your prescribed oxygen flow rate. This number was likely given to you by your doctor and is imperative for you to follow in order to receive the proper oxygen therapy your condition requires. If you find your current flow rate is uncomfortable and causes skin irritation, nose dryness, and/or nose bleeds there are some tips and tricks you can try to ease this!

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Maintaining a Healthy Diet for COPD Patients

Diet and Health Tips for COPD Patients

If you have COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), you know how difficult everyday tasks can be. Having trouble breathing can be exhausting, and not having enough oxygen in your body leads to fatigue. While you still need to take the medication your doctor prescribes you; you can look into other health and diet tips for COPD patients.

One thing you can do that can make a big difference in how you feel, is changing your diet. People who have COPD should be eating a particular diet to have more energy in smaller quantities. With COPD you may have found yourself getting full much quicker, and getting tired while you’re trying to eat, which means you’re not finishing meals leaving you without the calories you need to stay active.

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Spring Cleaning Tips for Seniors

Spring Cleaning Tips for Seniors

Spring cleaning can seem like a daunting task for anyone, but if you have limited mobility or if you just don’t have as much spring in your step as you used to, it can seem overwhelming. Everyone could use a little help with their spring cleaning, so don’t be afraid to ask for it. Below is a list of easy spring cleaning tips that anyone can use!

Make a List

Take a look at your house and yard and make a list of all the things that you want to get done. Putting everything on a list helps to place things in perspective. Here’s a quick list of some things that you may want to do to get your list started.

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Take Control of Your Health by Following These Simple Tips

Take Control of Your Health by Following These Simple Tips

Taking care of yourself is making an investment in your future. All it takes is a few lifestyle changes, and none of them have to be drastic or unpleasant. You’ll thank yourself later, when you can feel the difference in how you feel each day. Here are a few basic things you can do to take control of your health and well-being.

Don’t smoke tobacco. If you’ve been smoking for years, it’s never too late to quit. If you don’t smoke, don’t even start. By quitting or never starting, you can dramatically decrease your risk of dying from cancer or heart disease.

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