4 Steps for Taking Control of Your Health Care

4 Steps for Taking Control of Your Health Care

Your doctor and your health insurance company are not the people in charge of your healthcare. In reality they are only there to help you receive the important medical care and medical supplies you need. The real master of your health and well-being, is you. With the recent decline in health care coverage and the increase in costs, it has become incredibly important for all of us to be more proactive with our healthcare, and not just a helpless bystander. Below are some simply steps to help you be more proactive about controlling your healthcare.

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May is Older Americans Month

May is Older Americans Month

In 1963, The Administration for Community Living (ACL), through the Department of Health and Human Services, named May Older Americans Month, so we can both honor and learn about better ways to care for our seniors. That year, only 17 million Americans were still living over the age of 65. According to the Census Bureau report in 2010, there were 40.3 million living well into their golden years.

Many seniors dealt with poverty in decades past, when many of the programs that aide them today didn’t exist yet. We know a lot more now about health and medical sciences, as well. Even though living conditions have gotten better over the years, it’s still important to keep learning about new ways for Americans to live long and happy lives.

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Finding a New Doctor When the One You Have Isn’t Right for You

Finding a New Doctor When the One You Have Isn't Right for You

Sometimes it becomes necessary to find a new specialist or primary care physician, because they just aren’t doing the job that they should be. Sometimes it’s because of a major misdiagnosis that lead to problems, or a number of issues that have been mounting over time, and you’ve decided it’s time to find a new doctor. It’s important to know when you should leave, and how you should go about finding a new doctor that will meet your needs.

Signs You Should Switch Doctors

If you feel like your doctor isn’t listening to you, this is a major problem. There might be a case where you notice something going on with yourself, and you bring it up to your doctor, and they just seem to brush it off.

This isn’t how doctors should respond to any of your concerns, because who else knows how you feel better than you do? Important tests and screenings can be ran if the patient speaks up about a symptom that isn’t apparent to your doctor at first glance.

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