The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to CPAP Machines

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to CPAP Machines

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is a well-established therapy used to treat various diseases that disrupt sleep. Since 1981 when CPAP therapy was created, CPAP machines have allowed patients to sleep easier and avoid a host of potential complications related to untreated obstructive sleep apnea.

In this blog post, we will define CPAP, discuss who needs to use CPAP, cover some of the basics of using a CPAP machine, and much more. If you have recently been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, or know someone who has, this beginner’s guide is an excellent introduction into CPAP as a treatment option and how CPAP machines work.

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Sleeping with Continuous Flow Oxygen Concentrators

Sleeping with Continuous Flow Oxygen Concentrators

Your ability to get adequate sleep directly influences your cognitive health. If you require a continuous oxygen concentrator throughout the night, the last thing you want is an obstacle to a good night’s sleep. In this blog post, we’re going to discuss continuous oxygen concentrators that are optimized for sleep.

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CPAP Troubleshooting – Fixing a Leak in a CPAP Mask

CPAP Troubleshooting – Fixing a Leak in a CPAP Mask

“Why CPAP mask leaks?”, “How do I get correct air pressure from the CPAP machine?” and “Which CPAP mask is best for me?” are some questions arising from a common issue – air leakage from a CPAP mask. A leaky CPAP mask is a serious problem. If air is escaping from your mask, you aren’t getting the proper air pressure to treat your sleep apnea completely. It can also cause discomfort in the airways and nasal passages, causing them to dry out and become irritated, even with the use of the CPAP humidifier.

The air coming from your CPAP machine through the mask is supposed to act as a splint to hold your airways open while you sleep. Depending on the severity of your sleep apnea, you might need a higher air pressure than someone with a less severe case of sleep apnea.

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Oxygen Concentrators

The Do's and Don'ts of Oxygen Concentrators

Once you’ve selected your portable concentrator or stationary concentrator, there are a few safety and maintenance tips you should be aware of. The following is a list of some of the most important do’s and don’ts you’ll want to keep in mind. Of course, this is just a reference and you shouldn’t hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have!

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User Question: Why Do I Need a Prescription to Buy a Concentrator?

Customer Question: Why Do I Need a Prescription to Buy an Oxygen Concentrator?

To purchase an oxygen concentrator, you do need a prescription from your doctor, stating your oxygen level. The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) makes the rules about prescription sales, and at this time, oxygen concentrators are one of the medical devices for which the FDA requires a prescription. This is to ensure proper care has been taken in selling you an oxygen machine that is appropriate for your needs, and a prescription is the only evidence we have of exactly what those needs are.

The oxygen machine you purchase and use is also largely determined by your prescription, and that’s why you may have completely different needs from your friend who also uses supplemental oxygen, even if you both have the respiratory condition. Several important health indicators factor into a prescription for supplemental oxygen that results from a pulse oximetry test and arterial blood gas test.

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Top Pulse-Dose Portable Concentrators for 2024

Top Pulse-Dose Portable Concentrators for 2024

Portable oxygen concentrators (POCs) provide better health with freedom and the safety of never running out of oxygen. As the name states, portable concentrators are portable. They’re small and lightweight, and many units include carrying bags and backpacks for easy portability. And as technology advances in 2024, POCs are becoming even more powerful and easy to carry.

The Oxygen Concentrator Store carries the Largest Selection of Pulse Dose Portable Oxygen Concentrators. If you’re unsure where to begin, we’ve made this list of the top POCs on the market in 2024.

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Intro to Travel CPAP Machines

Intro to Travel CPAP Machines

CPAP therapy is the most widely used treatment for sleep apnea. People on CPAP therapy must use their CPAP machines every night during sleep to avoid health complications caused by sleep apnea and insufficient sleep. Although many CPAP machines are bulky and difficult to travel with, there are portable travel CPAP options that make it easy to remain compliant with CPAP therapy while on road trips, airplanes, and even while going off the grid.

The best travel CPAP machines are small, quiet, lightweight, and easily fit in your travel bag or carry-on. And better yet, some travel CPAP units do not require water for humidification. The Oxygen Concentrator Store offers some of the smallest and lightest travel CPAP machines on the market.

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What is the Normal Oxygen Level? How to Check Oxygen Saturation Level

What is the Normal Oxygen Saturation Level?

If you have COPD any other chronic lung condition, you probably know what it means to have a lower than normal blood oxygen saturation level. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is just one example, but it means that your lungs’ ability to bring in enough oxygen is compromised. The tiny air sacks in your lungs have been damaged, so you can’t absorb enough oxygen through these sacks into your bloodstream.

It’s important to have a certain level of oxygen, versus a certain level of carbon dioxide in your blood at one time. The carbon dioxide is carried back to your lungs, where it is breathed out when you exhale. The oxygen you breathed in gets delivered to every part of your body, as part of the fuel you need to keep your body working properly.

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Oxygen Troubleshooting – Why Would an Oxygen Concentrator Stop Working

Why Would an Oxygen Concentrator Stop Working

Just like any other piece of electrical equipment, an oxygen concentrator can stop working due to technical issues or after it’s gotten over a certain age. You might also have instances where it can malfunction due to an outside influence, with no problems in the concentrator itself.

If an oxygen concentrator is not providing oxygen, it could be due to several different reasons. The system in an oxygen machine is made up of a few intricate parts that all work together to purify and deliver medical-grade oxygen, so you can breathe it in.

However, before you call a maintenance technician, you can do some troubleshooting on your own to see if you can fix the problem yourself. Sometimes, the cause of a big problem can be a small and easy fix.

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